Phantom Match Controversy Erupts in Brazil Amidst Allegations of a £1.4 Million Betting Scam

Author of the posts By Connor "Colt" Hughes Jun17,2024

A possible “phantom match” controversy has arisen in Brazil, echoing a comparable event in Ukraine earlier this year.

For those not in the know, a “phantom match” describes a game that is promoted and available for wagering, but never actually occurs.

This specific match, allegedly contested between Andrews Brazil and Gremio Serrano, is being probed with a staggering £1.4 million ($1.7 million) in wagers hanging in the balance. More than 200 bookies were supposedly offering lines on the contest, despite assertions from Lucas Bezerra, legal counsel for Gremio Serrano, that the club never dispatched a squad to compete.

Concurrently, Marlus Dalledone, an attorney acting for Andrews, maintains the match transpired as scheduled.

This scenario mirrors a previous “phantom match” dispute in Ukraine, which elicited a declaration from sports data supplier BetGenius.

They elaborated: “While gathering data from a variety of Ukrainian football matches, our integrity and intelligence systems signaled worries regarding four particular games. These matches, seemingly organized and publicized through official avenues as cup ties between professional clubs, were ones for which we employed a local observer to gather information. Unfortunately, it seems we – alongside a number of our sportsbook clients – have fallen prey to deception.”

Author of the posts

By Connor "Colt" Hughes

Holding a Master's degree in Statistics and a Bachelor's in Philosophy, this versatile author has a deep appreciation for the epistemological and ethical dimensions of probability and decision-making under uncertainty. They have expertise in Bayesian inference, moral philosophy, and risk analysis, which they apply to the study of the philosophical foundations of gambling and the ethical implications of casino operations. Their articles and news pieces provide readers with a philosophical perspective on the casino industry and the strategies used to promote rational decision-making and ethical gambling practices.

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